4.3 Aviation Security Blog Discussion

Aviation Security

by: Juvan Rabago

On November 6,2023, a man was stopped by Transportation Security Administration officers at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport for carrying a loaded handgun in his carry-on bag. The gun, a 9mm with 14 bullets, was the thirty-first firearm found at the airport's checkpoints this year, breaking the previous record. The TSA was alerted by the X-ray unit and the pistol was seized by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police. The man, a resident of Berryville, Virginia, claimed he had forgotten to lock up the gun at home. In the first three quarters of 2023, the TSA has already intercepted 5,072 weapons at airport security checkpoints, and if this trend continues, they will surpass last year's record of 6,542 firearms prevented from being onboard flights.


Performing a job solely for financial gain is often viewed negatively compared to having a genuine passion for the work. This perception implies that the individual is not fully committed to their job and may not give their best effort. Conversely, having a passion for one's work can lead to increased creativity and innovation, resulting in superior outcomes for the employer. Additionally, if you apply and reflect this to the actual TSA job it can be tragic. Because how can you hire a person if he/she does not have a passion, specifically the inability to consistently manage risk. And to mitigate strategies there are simple four-step processes that are most frequently used in planning or at the deliberate level. Which is Assess the situation, Balance resources, communicate risk and intentions, and lastly Do and debrief.

A behavior detection officer (BDO) plays a crucial role in preventing incidents by identifying and evaluating potentially suspicious or threatening behaviors in individuals. To effectively mitigate threats before they enter the TSA, there are several key steps that can be taken.

 • Encourage collaboration between BDOs and other security personnel, including security officers, surveillance teams, and intelligence analysts. It is essential for BDOs to have direct communication channels with these individuals and law enforcement agencies to promptly report any suspicious activities or potential threats. By working together, they can share valuable information and strengthen overall security measures. Establishing effective communication channels ensures that appropriate actions can be taken swiftly and efficiently.

• Grant behavior detection officers' access to advanced surveillance technologies, such as video analytics, facial recognition systems, or other behavior detection tools. These cutting-edge technologies can enhance their capabilities and assist in identifying suspicious patterns or anomalies. By leveraging these tools, BDOs can stay one step ahead and proactively address potential threats.

• Provide comprehensive training and ongoing education for behavior detection officers. Continuous learning and development are crucial to ensure that BDOs stay updated with the latest techniques and methodologies in identifying suspicious behaviors. By investing in their training, we can equip them with the necessary skills to effectively detect and prevent threats. 

By implementing these key steps, we can empower behavior detection officers to be even more effective in their role, enhancing overall security and safeguarding against potential incidents.


International Airport Review. (2017, March 9). A layered approach to security - International Airport Review. https://www.internationalairportreview.com/article/2563/a-layered-approach-to-security/ 

TSA officers prevent Virginia man from bringing loaded gun onto flight at Reagan National Airport | Transportation Security Administration. (2023, November 6). https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2023/11/06/tsa-officers-prevent-virginia-man-bringing-loaded-gun-flight-reagan 

TSA stopped over 1,800 firearms at airport checkpoints nationwide during the third quarter of 2023; expects to surpass last year’s record of 6,542 firearm interceptions by the end of the year | Transportation Security Administration. (2023, October 2). https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2023/10/02/tsa-stopped-over-1800-firearms-airport-checkpoints-nationwide-during


  1. I agree that they need to screen people entering this workforce who is looking for this kind of work and not just in it for a pay check for the safety of other people. If they let the wrong people who don't care about these jobs, in these security positions can get a lot of people hurt.

  2. Very interesting article my question would be do (BDO's) have uniforms or are they undercover to the public? Also, I agree with you that they should be provided the best resources, but another question would be do they possess enough security clearance?


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